
Unigroup Meeting Registration Page



  • Please spell-check your submission (particularly Email addresses) BEFORE you hit Submit!
  • Make sure your Email White-Lists ALLOW Unigroup traffic!
  • Currently, all RSVP apply only to our next scheduled meeting.
  • Please note the stated RSVP deadline on the Unigroup meeting page.
  • If you RSVP after the deadline (which is usually the night before the meeting), there are NO Guarantees, and you may wind up "not on the list" for building security. Often you CAN get in at the last minute, but each location works differently, and the security requirements do change randomly.
  • Expect an RSVP-ACK Email, if and when you are successfully registered.
  • The RSVP-ACK are generated when your name is submitted to building security.
    Expect them to happen as the meeting day approaches.
  • Note that you may receive more than one RSVP-ACK.
  • You may enter a maximum of 2 email addresses for RSVP-ACK notification.
  • Only your First and Last Names will be submitted to building security.
  • Remember to bring photo-ID with you, when you attend our meetings.
  • Last minute meeting announcements or changes will be specially sent to the Email Addresses you specify below.
  • Primary addresses are currently added to the Unigroup Unilist Email Announcement List.
  • Be sure to understand Unigroup's Membership and Meeting Fees, as well as acceptable payment methods!
  • Unigroup Members may want to check and bring their Unigroup Membership Card to confirm their Unigroup Membership is current.
  • This RSVP form has been tested using Lynx 2.8, Netscape 4+7, Mozilla, Seamonkey, Firefox, Opera, Blazer, and IE.
    Hopefully it will work for you. Email us if you have a problem with it.

Always check the Unigroup Home Page and Meeting Page for last minute updates before heading to the meeting.

To submit your RSVP, please fill-out the following fields and Submit the form.





PHONE NUMBER (Meeting Day):
(Include Area Code) (Optional)
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